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Works  in progress

On the Highway of Irreverent Rumination & Delusion


This is Paul White’s musings on life and living which,in his usual superfluous and disconnected manner, explains fleeting, transitory, and ephemeral thoughts which have scuttled and rattled through his mind during this 'journey'.


The journey is a fictitious road trip, fabricated from various excursions over his lifetime, allowing Paul the poetic literary licence to blend reality and invention into a captivating, yet informative and thought-provoking serial monologue.


So come on, jump in and join Paul as he takes you on a voyage along the twisted neural carriageways of his psyche. Together you can rattle down the Highway of Irreverent Rumination and Delusion.


You never know where you might end up?




Floyd snaps when he discovers his wife Molly is having an affair, releasing his latent psychopathic tendencies.


Convicted of Molly's murder Floyd is committed to an institution, from which he escapes, and he heads out on a blood-soaked rampage of rape, and murderous revenge.


Floyd's has an accomplice, the new Molly. But who is she, and does she really exist?


With fair winds and calm seas, Floyd will be roaming free by bthe end of 2025

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